The Internet is like an endless ocean filled with opportunities. You can spend time scrolling through social media sites, listening to music, reading articles, or playing games. While these are some of the standard internet services we use, there are millions of new and uncommon things you can do with the help of your trusted Internet.
Here are nine exciting things you can do on the internet!
Take a trip around the world on ‘Voyager.’
If you’re craving to travel but your bank balance says otherwise, worry not. Google Earth’s new feature, voyager, brings the whole planet to life for you.
Pick up impressive magic tricks on Good tricks.
Want to be the center of attention at a party? Pick up some magic skills and watch people flock around you to watch. Good tricks are armed with killer magic that will never disappoint you.
Master a new language at Duolingo
Impress the French people on your trip to France with your impeccable french skills. A flair for languages, some patience, and this website is all you need to master this and many other languages in the world.
Spot free wifi zones with WifiFreeSpot
Are you running out of your inbuilt mobile data? Quickly reach out to the wifi-free spot to find places in your city that offer free wifi and browse away!
Transfer massive files with Pando
Send huge files to anyone through the internet with Pando. And we mean 16 Gb huge!
Kill time live streaming animals
Various websites offer you live streaming of animals right from the zoo. If you’re an animal lover with some time in hand, enjoy watching these animals as they go about their daily lives.
Touch up your photos on Pixlr
Have fun making your friends look fat or making your Facebook profile picture look chicer with a contoured face are just some fun things you can do with Pixlr. Access it from your laptop, desktop, or smartphone and do just about anything to your photos.
Get tech help from the ‘Tech Support Guy.’
Forget calling those tiring toll-free numbers for tech support for your computers. This online tech support guy always gives free advice on fixing your computer.
Hire a nag at
For those people with whom the usual phone reminders don’t work, this website comes in handy. A new window on your computer screen pops up to remind you of all those important dates and events. Don’t ever miss a birthday again.
It is just the tip of the iceberg regarding what you can do on the internet. Get an efficient internet connection with reliable internet service providers and experience a new world of opportunities!